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Heat me up


A Sunday in July; a golden beach, a ginger beer
I caught your eye; your words found my ear
Cupid's arrow, it was messing around
Aiming to fly straight to our hearts

My lonely heart is cold as ice
Please warm it in your paradise

Oh heat me up; and let your sun shine (aha)
I'll be awakening, like a flower in the spring
Oh heat me up; and let your sun shine
Need your love so bad, you are drivin' me mad
From heaven to earth you have come
While I stood there struck dumb

You came in my life, like a bolt from the blue
We did a sexy dance; I said voulez-vous
"You're my number one, please take me away"
Those were the words still hear you say

My lonely heart is cold as ice
Please warm it in your paradise

Oh heat me up; and let your sun shine (aha)
I'll be awakening, like a flower in the spring
Oh heat me up; and let your sun shine
Need your love so bad, you are drivin' me mad
From heaven to earth you have come
While I stood there struck dumb

Come closer babe, I need your bodyheat
(your body)
I want you I need you now

Oh heat me up; and let your sun shine (aha)
I'll be awakening, like a flower in the spring
Oh heat me up; and let your sun shine
Need your love so bad, you are drivin' me mad
From heaven to earth you have come
While I stood there struck dumb

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