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The Horizon

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

BBC Radio News Report:
Last night, about 100 kilometers off the South African coast, the sailing ship The Horizon, with sixty crewmen on board, ran into difficulties and eventually sank. So far, only five survivors have been rescued by a passing vessel and the other crewmen are feared lost. One of the survivors gave this account:
"In the dark, the captain suddenly observed breakers ahead. He managed to shout that the helm should be turned hard over, but it was already too late. With a great noise, The Horizon struck a reef. The enormous shock caused the main topmast to topple over, the rudder slipped out of its braces and the tiller broke off. From one moment to the next, the ship was making a lot of water. The Horizon stayed afloat, but with water still pouring in, for the bow of the ship was completely split open."

Prayers and mourning, in shades of blue
All were drowning, an awful view
So deceived by a sea of doom
To hear them crying, here in the gloom

BBC Radio News Report:
(Haul on the main sheet
Leave the coast behind
Bound to round the horn
On favourite winds, they sailed along)
"At the stern, a boat was lowered quite carelessly. It was seriously damaged. The captain had the injured brought on board and ordered some members of the crew to take positions in the other lifeboats. At half past twelve at night, the stricken ship capsized. Some of the crewmen who jumped overboard managed to reach one of the boats. An attempt to pick up more was of no avail in the darkness. This morning, neither the ship nor the remaining crew could be seen."

Prayers and mourning, in shades of blue
All were drowning, an awful view
So deceived by a sea of doom
To hear them crying, here in the gloom

Prayers and mourning, in shades of blue
All were drowning, an awful view
So deceived by a sea of doom
To hear them crying, here in the gloom

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