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Hang on to a dream

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Hear this sound, it gently fills my ear
Watch the waves that slowly come so near
I'm on a shore that's nearly forgotten
Lost in a dream of a heavenly night
Only the wind may whisper my secrets
Only the wind's bearing witness tonight

We all hang on to a dream when we see
Lovers on the run
It happens all over again
We all hang on to a dream when we see
Lovers on the run
It happens all over again, over again

Gazing at the waves, they're rolling in
Playing games that they will never win
I have to face that just like a druce
Will cover erosions near to the sea
Silly romances covered with roses
So many times hide a valley of tears

We all hang on to a dream when we see
Lovers on the run
It happens all over again
We all hang on to a dream when we see
Lovers on the run
It happens all over again, over again

We all hang on to a dream when we see
Lovers on the run
It happens all over again
We all hang on to a dream when we see
Lovers on the run
It happens all over again, over again
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