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Goodbye (2007)

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Now the time, has come, to go our own ways.
Many precious moments cross my mind.
I recall, the days, all the best days of my life,
right before the final curtain falls.

Though we've been together for so long,
at last the time has come,
but it's hard to realize it's over now.

Goodbye, it's the end of the show.
A last farewell and then we'll have to go.
Take heart, and keep your tears away.
But save them for an other rainy day.

Goodbye, it's the end of the show.
A last farewell and then we'll have to go.
Take heart, and keep your tears away.
But save them for an other rainy day.
Goodbye, it's the end of the show.
A last farewell and then we'll have to go.

To pack up, and clear out, it's a hard thing to do,
to carry on my best friends, without you.
How it hurts, my wounded heart, now's the time we must part,
so let me wish good luck to all of you.

Though we've been together for so long,
at last the time has come,
but it's hard to realize it's over now.

Goodbye, it's the end of the show.
A last farewell and then we'll have to go.
Take heart, and keep your tears away.
But save them for an other rainy day.
Goodbye, it's the end of the show.
A last farewell and then we'll have to go.

Goodbye, it's the end of the show.


  • Deze versie van "Goodbye" is een lied uit 1990 met een tekst die speciaal is geschreven voor het afscheid van BZN.

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