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Dance in the moonlight

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

From El Paso, along the desert road
Riding through, the heart of Mexico
With the sun our guide, tried to find a place to spend the night

In the distance, off the beaten track
Near some lights, we slowed the Cadillac,
By a little love motel, where yearning hearts eased the ache so well

There we danced in the moonlit night
Held your tender body oh so tight
Whispered words of love to you my dear
Come closer I want you near

There we danced in the moonlit night
Guitar music, wine and candle-light
In this far-off lover's paradise
Passion was in our eyes

In your eyes, were flames of wild desire
Desert heat, set your heart on fire
In this love motel, where yearning hearts eased the ache so well

There we danced in the moonlit night
Held your tender body oh so tight
Whispered words of love to you my dear
Come closer I want you near

There we danced in the moonlit night
Guitar music, wine and candle-light
In this far-off lover's paradise
Passion was in our eyes

In the magic of this Mexican night
You laid your head on my shoulder
I whispered in your ear
Oh my love will you marry me

There we danced in the moonlit night
Guitar music, wine and candle-light
In this far-off lover's paradise
Passion was in our eyes
Passion was in our eyes

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