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Don't forget me

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp/D. v.d. Horst)

Tell me the truth
Why are you turning your back on me,
Leaving me lonely?
Did you fool me with somebody else,
Hurting me so?
I wanna know

You told me lies,
So many lies I could not believe anymore
When I called you on the telephone,
You were not alone
It's driving me crazy

Oh, sorry babe, I didn't know
What I did could hurt you so
Gimme one more chance, for a new romance

Don't forget me tonight, don't do it
Now that you've left me with a lonely heart
It was love at first sight, I knew it
Give it a chance and make a brand new start
Baby, remember the nights of love
Oh, I remember them all
Don't forget me tonight, don't do it
So don't hesitate to call

You let me down,
Keeping me waiting many nights, on and on
While you promised me the earth and more
You knocked on her door
It's driving me crazy

Oh, sorry babe, I didn't know
What I did could hurt you so
Gimme one more chance, for a new romance

Don't forget me tonight, don't do it
Now that you've left me with a lonely heart
It was love at first sight, I knew it
Give it a chance and make a brand new start
Baby, remember the nights of love
Oh, I remember them all
Don't forget me tonight, don't do it
So don't hesitate to call

Don't forget me tonight, don't do it
Now that you've left me with a lonely heart
It was love at first sight, I knew it
So don't hesitate
It's never too late
Please don't hesitate to call

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