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Down the drain


There was really not the slightest danger
I thought our love would last eternally
But the drawing power of a stranger
Hit y'and brought you down to your knees

Much to my regret I cast a look at her
Now we went up on a pleasure trip, that ruined us so fatally

Down the drain
All my life and all my loving down the drain
Down the drain
I played all or nothing, but I lost the game

For just a silly love affair
I went for broke, but now I know it ain't worthwhile
Everything that I have lived for is down the drain

I remember how we lived in clover
Thought that nothing could tear us apart

Then to my regret I cast a look at him
And we went up on a pleasure trip, that ruined us so fatally

Down the drain
All my life and all my loving down the drain
Down the drain
I played all or nothing, but I lost the game

For just a silly love affair
I went for broke, but now I know it ain't worthwhile
Everything that I have lived for is down the drain

Down the drain
All my life and all my loving down the drain
Down the drain
I played all or nothing, but I lost the game

For just a silly love affair
I went for broke, but now I know it ain't worthwhile
Everything that I have lived for is down the drain
Everything that I have lived for is down the drain
Everything that I have lived for is down the drain


  • Dit lied is in 2000 opgenomen voor het album "Out in the blue", maar is daarvoor nooit gebruikt. In 2012 is de opname van dit lied opgedoken in het BZN archief en uiteindelijk is het lied in 2015 voor het eerst uitgebracht.

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