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Don Luigi

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Thousand Italians they came from afar
Most of them crying, their heads to the ground
To see the old man die at the end of the day
For he was their father
And they all knew his name

Old Don Luigi, the king of them all
He laid on his crown, now his kingdom will fall
We hear the preachers pray
And the sermons they gave
For he was a father and we all knew his name

Soon we all will cry
Don Luigi when you die
Corleone's son, your star fades away
And we all will try
Just to kiss and say goodbye
Corleone's son, your star fades away

Old Don Luigi, he called for his son
And wrote down the name of the man with the gun
And then the old man died at the end of the day
For he was our father
And we all knew his name

Soon we all will cry
Don Luigi when you die
Corleone's son, your star fades away
And we all will try
Just to kiss and say goodbye
Corleone's son, your star fades away

Soon we all will cry
Don Luigi when you die
Corleone's son, your star fades away
And we all will try
Just to kiss and say goodbye
Corleone's son, your star fades away
Corleone's son, your star fades away

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