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(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

I had a dream last night
I thought I really was a queen
't Made me feel all right
But it's only just a dream
That will not come true

Carry on and keep on dreamin'
For you know it might come true
In my dreams I wrote a song, a lovely melody
But I know a dream is no reality

When the morninglight
Creeps into my fancy dream
Then I know for sure
That it will all turn on the scene
't Makes me feel so sad

Carry on and keep on dreamin'
For you know it might come true
In my dreams I wrote a song, a lovely melody
But I know a dream is no reality

Dreamin' of a ride in a big blue limousine
Riding along the places that carry forgotten memories
Dreamin' doing the things that you want to, all the time
It's like a movieshow and you play the leading part

I had a dream last night
I thought I really was a queen
't Made me feel all right
But it's only just a dream
That will not come true

Carry on and keep on dreamin'
For you know it might come true
In my dreams I wrote a song, a lovely melody
But I know a dream is no reality

Dreamin' of a ride in a big blue limousine
Riding along the places that carry forgotten memories
Dreamin' doing the things that you want to, all the time
It's like a movieshow and you play the leading part
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