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Come on and dance


The stars shine bright, on the Boulevard del Puerto
I sense some lovin' in the air, I see it in your eyes con fuego
La Luna smiles, beaming out good vibrations
Let's sneak off to a hideaway, and join a private late night show

Come on and dance pretty baby, come-a-come and take a chance
Baila baila, baila baila baila
Dance to the rhythm of a Latin Salsa band

Come on and dance pretty baby, come-a-come and take a chance
Baila baila, baila baila baila
Dance to the rhythm of a Latin Salsa band

The nights are long, round the bay of old El Puerto
But nights are never long enough, under the fancy moon of love

Come on and dance pretty baby, come-a-come and take a chance
Baila baila, baila baila baila
Dance to the rhythm of a Latin Salsa band

Come on and dance pretty baby, come-a-come and take a chance
Baila baila, baila baila baila
Dance to the rhythm of a Latin Salsa band

And when we face the morning-light, we know it's time to go
We're longing for another late night show

Come on and dance pretty baby, come-a-come and take a chance
Baila baila, baila baila baila
Dance to the rhythm of a Latin Salsa band

Come on and dance pretty baby, come-a-come and take a chance
(Daaaance, chaaaance)
Baila baila, baila baila baila
Dance to the rhythm of a Latin Salsa band

Come on and dance pretty baby, come-a-come and take a chance
(Daaaance, chaaaance)
Baila baila, baila baila baila
Dance to the rhythm of a Latin Salsa band

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