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The best days of my life


Glancing through the book of my life
I get stuck in the year sixty-five
Long long hair - free from care
I fell in love at first sight
And we sang in trance: "give peace a chance"
We knew it all so well

While the Rolling Stones couldn't get satisfaction
And we wore white flowers in our hair
And the Vietnam-War carried death and destruction
We were there, in sixty-five
After all those were the best days of my life

Stop the war and ban the bomb
San Francisco, here I come
Che Guevarra on every wall there's so much to recall
And we sang in trance: "give peace a chance"
We knew it all so well

While the Rolling Stones couldn't get satisfaction
And we wore white flowers in our hair
And the Vietnam-War carried death and destruction
We were there, in sixty-five
After all those were the best days of my life

Yes we really thought: we'd change the world
Look around - you'll see it ain't true

And the Vietnam-War on the eve of destruction
We survived, sixty-five
Yes those really were the best days of my life
Yes those really were the best days of my life

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