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Breaking my heart

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

I met you on the dark side of the station
I followed you, to catch the midnight train
You were sitting right behind me; as I looked into your face
then I really was dumbfounded when you smiled at me with grace

I said: "Oh no, this is breaking my heart
The love-look in your eyes was meant to blind me"

I said: "Oh no, don't go breakin' my heart
The sunshine of your smile was foolin' me"

I hear you hold long-distance conversations
It looks as if the end is drawing near
Well, I didn't want to hurt you, never planned to let you down
So you've drawn the wrong conclusion, if you say you're leavin' now

I said: "Oh no, this is breaking my heart
The love-look in your eyes was meant to blind me"

I said: "Oh no, don't go breakin' my heart
The sunshine of your smile was foolin' me"

Well I saw you there that night in New York City
Oh, you walked me home in spite of the pouring rain
and I felt secure beside you, though I didn't know your name
There was love and you to guide me as we stepped down from that train

I said: "Oh no, this is breaking my heart
The love-look in your eyes was meant to blind me"

I said: "Oh no, don't go breakin' my heart
The sunshine of your smile was foolin' me"

I said: "Oh no, this is breaking my heart
The love-look in your eyes was meant to blind me"

I said: "Oh no, don't go breakin' my heart
The sunshine of your smile was foolin' me"

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