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Aloha hé

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

In a small café, a place called Montego Bay
Saw you walking by, oh me oh my
Lovers at first sight, feeling like dynamite
Oh you set my heart on fire, while we used to sing

Aloha hé, down on Montego Bay
In a hot Jamaica sun, that's where you kissed me on and on
Aloha hé, down on Montego Bay
A paradise, my island in the sun

A lovers paradise, sweet lips and angel eyes
When you hold me tight, this tropical night
Making up to you, that's what I wanna do
Oh beneath the purple sky, we used to sing

Aloha hé, down on Montego Bay
In a hot Jamaica sun, that's where you kissed me on and on
Aloha hé, down on Montego Bay
A paradise, my island in the sun

You turn my head and make me feel I'm swaying
Driving me insane, just tell me what to do

Aloha hé, down on Montego Bay
In a hot Jamaica sun, that's where you kissed me on and on
Aloha hé, down on Montego Bay
A paradise, my island in the sun

Aloha hé, down on Montego Bay
A paradise, my island in the sun
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