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(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

New York City late at night
On the Seventh Avenue
I walk around and think about
The good and the bad you do

The strongest man here will survive
And the weakest he may fall
But even though I think you are
The greatest of them all

'Cause I believe in America
Dreams come true in America
Sing it with the band
We believe in America
Dreams come true in America
Sing it with the band

You walk around in Central Park
On a brandnew summerday
But don't you be there late at night
'Cause they take your things away

Where you can see the moviestars
And actors in a play
It's all about to happen there
On a normal American day

'Cause I believe in America
Dreams come true in America
Sing it with the band
We believe in America
Dreams come true in America
Sing it with the band

You walk around in Central Park
On a brandnew summerday
But don't you be there late at night
'Cause they take your things away

Where you can see the moviestars
And actors in a play
It's all about to happen there
On a normal American day

'Cause I believe in America
Dreams come true in America
Sing it with the band
We believe in America
Dreams come true in America
Sing it with the band

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