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Goodbye my love, adieu my friend

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp/D. v.d. Horst)

Sunrise, a last rendez-vous
Together we walk in the morning dew
Slowly the night fades away
To stand aside for a brand new day

Silence. Words are in vain
A few minutes more together
Silence. No words to explain
My love for you will always be the same

Goodbye my love, adieu my friend
We have to part. This is the end
The final kiss will make me cry
But I must say goodbye

Goodbye my love, adieu my friend
We have to face the end
This kiss, it makes me cry
But I must say goodbye

Softly the wind plays a game
As if it is trying to whisper your name
Seagulls will guide you today
Wherever the wind blows they find their way

Silence. Words are in vain
A few minutes more together
Silence. No words to explain
My love for you will always be the same

Goodbye my love, adieu my friend
We have to part. This is the end
The final kiss will make me cry
But I must say goodbye

Goodbye my love, adieu my friend
We have to face the end
This kiss, it makes me cry
But I must say goodbye

Goodbye my love, adieu my friend
We have to face the end
This kiss, it makes me cry
But I must say goodbye

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