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You're my shelter

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Well every time I'm walking down
The sunset boulevard
Then I'm thinkin' of
The times I had with you

While I'm sittin' in a café
And I drink myself a beer
I'm gonna dream away
I wish that you were here

I remember how you walked me home
Along that dark and winding road
Though it seems to me a long time ago

You're my shelter in the dead of the night
You comfort me when I lose my mind
Yes you are the subject of my rhymes
You stand by me when I feel down

While I'm riding on the highway
On my way back home to you
That same old route turns out
To be an endless road

And the traffic lights that slow me down
The time that I will lose
It doesn't bother me
I'm on my way to you

I remember how you walked me home
Along that dark and winding road
Though it seems to me a long long time ago

You're my shelter in the dead of the night
You comfort me when I lose my mind
Yes you are the subject of my rhymes
You stand by me when I feel down

I remember how you walked me home
Along that dark and winding road
Though it seems to me a long long time ago

You're my shelter in the dead of the night
You comfort me when I lose my mind
Yes you are the subject of my rhymes
You stand by me when I feel down

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