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Two shades of blue

(Allen/Braddock/Van Hoy)

We painted a beautiful scene
With brown eyes and emerald green
The black of the night and the silver moonlight on you and me
But the tears that we're crying each day
Have bled all the colors away
Now all I can see

Two shades of blue
Poor me and you
What will we do
Two shades of blue

In our kaleidoscope dream
We could have had everything
If only our lives would have started the night when we first met
But reality pulled us apart
Now we're dancing alone in the dark
What a sad silhouette

Two shades of blue
Poor me and you
What will we do
Two shades of blue

But the tears that we're crying each day
Have bled all the colors away
Now all I can see

Two shades of blue
Poor me and you
What in the world will we do
Two shades of blue

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