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That old carrousel

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Each year September
There's a fair going on
In the market square

Then I remember
How we both fell in love
How it happened there

Love at first sight, on a wonderful starry night
Oh, the thrills I found on that merry-go-round!
With no one but you on my side

Remember that old carrousel
The first time you kissed me I fell
So young and so green just seventeen
A Romeo with his belle

Remember that old carrousel
The first time you kissed me I fell
Oh baby, my sweet baby, I loved you so much
I was under your spell

Strolling at the fairground
I was lost in a dream
While I searched for you

There in the background
You could hear ballad singers
The songs we knew

Love at first sight, on a wonderful starry night
Oh, the thrills I found on that merry-go-round!
With no one but you on my side

Remember that old carrousel
The first time you kissed me I fell
So young and so green just seventeen
A Romeo with his belle

Remember that old carrousel
The first time you kissed me I fell
Oh baby, my sweet baby, I loved you so much
I was under your spell

Holding a candy floss, watching the showmen
An old fortune-teller was reading your hand
Like all young lovers we really were crazy
Twisting and turning and spinning around

Remember that old carrousel
The first time you kissed me I fell
So young and so green just seventeen
A Romeo with his belle

Remember that old carrousel
The first time you kissed me I fell
Oh baby, my sweet baby, I loved you so much
I was under your spell

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