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A summernight with you

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Met you somewhere in Athena
But I call you my signorina
See you every Sunday night (again)
When we dance till the morning light

While we hear the music playing
And we keep our bodies swaying
Oh, I can feel the heat inside me
When we dance the dance of love

Softly play the mandolins
In the starry night
Where that old moon above
Is smiling when you hold me tight
Tender kisses, sweet romance
Now and forever
My wildest dreams come true
On a summernight with you
My wildest dreams come true
On a summernight with you

Here out in the blue, we're walking
Cheek to cheek, but we keep on talking
Kiss me kiss me, please encore
Maybe thousand times or more

While we hear the music playing
And we keep our bodies swaying
Oh, I can feel the heat inside me
When we dance the dance of love

Softly play the mandolins
In the starry night
Where that old moon above
Is smiling when you hold me tight
Tender kisses, sweet romance
Now and forever
My wildest dreams come true
On a summernight with you
My wildest dreams come true
On a summernight with you

Softly play the mandolins
Now and forever
My wildest dreams come true
On a summernight with you

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