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The queen of country

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

All the way through Kentucky, across Tennessee
I'd been travelling so long to see "The queen of country"
Just to hear her sweet voice, see her face
Watch her moving with grace
Join in with her love songs

Thunder and lightning; it poured down with rain
On her way she boarded a plane, "The queen of country"
Thousands of fans singing madly
To welcome her gladly
Patiently waiting

Then they held their breaths
The announcer could not keep from crying
As he mumbled: "Our queen is now dying
When the plane crashed, no one survived"

And they cry, feeling so sad and so lonely
Wonder why Suzie, the one and the only
Oh, they pray and they hope
In a heavenly choir
She'll sing songs of love
And they will be able
To hear from above

Looks full of sadness and full of dismay
They played the last record she made, "The queen of country"
Thousands of fans singing sadly
Missing her badly
Hopelessly waiting

Then they held their breaths
The announcer could not keep from crying
As he mumbled: "Our queen is now dying
When the plane crashed, no one survived"

And they cry, feeling so sad and so lonely
Wonder why Suzie, the one and the only
Oh, they pray and they hope
In a heavenly choir
She'll sing songs of love
And they will be able
To hear from above

And they cry, feeling so sad and so lonely
Wonder why
In a heavenly choir
She'll sing songs of love
And they will be able
To hear from above

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