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Marching on

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

They walked along the lonely roads
With rusty guns and dirty clothes
The last support, a bugle calls
Once proud, but soon they'll have to fall

Heroic words and standards high
A last embrace, the tears they cried
It moves their minds but not for long
'Cause heroes must be brave and strong

Marching along with heads up high
A sight that couldn't last forever
Oh no, oh no, oh no
A prayer sent up to heaven
But tears will fall, prayers can't win it all

The firing line will soon appear
Once proud, but now they all have fear
To see the other face to face
There's no more pity, no more grace

They marched along with heads up high
A sight that couldn't last forever
Oh no, oh no, oh no
A prayer sent up to heaven
But tears will fall, prayers can't win it all

Move along, marching on, heads up to the sky
All together, victory's in sight
Moving on, marching on, soldiers in the night
Let's enjoy a glorious delight

Move along, marching on, heads up to the sky
All together, victory's in sight
Moving on, marching on, soldiers in the night
Let's enjoy a glorious delight
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