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Kiss and make me glow

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp/D. v.d. Horst)

Been in Rome, Italy, where I danced with Rosaly,
Mmm Rosaly
In Paris, I met Kay with her grand décolleté,
Mmm décolleté
Moscow nights, caviar, where I kissed my Russian Czar,
Mmm my Russian Czar
But it's you I will always return to,
You were always on my mind

The way you kiss and make me glow,
The way you smile and say hello
Without your love - I feel so blue
It means that I belong to you

The way you kiss and make me glow,
The way you smile and say hello
Without your love - I feel so blue
It means that I belong to you

In Berlin on the wall it's where I found my German doll,
Mmm German doll
In New York, Central Park, walk with Jill until the dark,
Mmm until the dark
Nights in Greece, Acropolis, where I danced the sirtaki
Mmm the sirtaki
But it's you I will always return to,
You were always on my mind

The way you kiss and make me glow,
The way you smile and say hello
Without your love - I feel so blue
It means that I belong to you

The way you kiss and make me glow,
The way you smile and say hello
Without your love - I feel so blue
It means that I belong to you

The way you kiss and make me glow,
The way you smile and say hello
Without your love - I feel so blue
It means that I belong to you

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