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Is everything in vain?

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Why? Why should we love and propagate?
Why should we caress and educate?
While so many suffer slaughter, live in pain
Tell me, is everything in vain?

Why does mother nature shed no tear?
Why does she conceive again each year?
While we poison her with waste and acid rain
Tell me, is everything in vain?

Throughout the years, so many points of view
But every answer turned out to be untrue

The only way is to listen to your heart
'Cause it tells you what's right or wrong
Oh, come what may, should you ever go astray
You can always (trust and) call on your best guard
It's time to listen to your heart

Why? Why do we teach our children well?
Why of good and bad, heaven and hell?
While our neighbours kill each other, it's insane
Tell me, is everything in vain?

Throughout the years, so many points of view
But every answer turned out to be untrue

The only way is to listen to your heart
'Cause it tells you what's right or wrong
Oh, come what may, should you ever go astray
You can always (trust and) call on your best guard
It's time to listen to your heart

The only way is to listen to your heart
'Cause it tells you what's right or wrong
Oh, come what may, should you ever go astray
You can always (trust and) call on your best guard
It's time to listen to your heart
It's time to listen to your heart

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