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Hi ho, what a show!

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Hylé hyló, if you're sick of watching TV, listening to the radio
hylé hylay, get out of the rut, come on and make your day

Let's stick together, sing hooray
and let your worries fade away

Hi ho, what a show! Let us sing dang ding deng daddio
Dance, dance the dance of love. It's all we're dreaming of
Hi ho, what a show! Let us sing dang ding deng daddio
Dance, dance the night away until the ding dang day

Kiss me, my baby. Hold me close to you.
Take me and shake me. Do what you wanne do.

Hi ho, what a show! Let us sing dang ding deng daddio
Dance, dance the night away until the ding dang day.

Hylé, hyló, get out of the daily round and follow me 'up to the show'
Hylé hylay, pecker up, my friend, before you pine away.

Let's stick together, sing hooray
and let your worries fade away

Hi ho, what a show! Let us sing dang ding deng daddio
Dance, dance the dance of love. It's all we're dreaming of
Hi ho, what a show! Let us sing dang ding deng daddio
Dance, dance the night away until the ding dang day

Kiss me, my baby. Hold me close to you.
Take me and shake me. Do what you wanne do.

Hi ho, what a show! Let us sing dang ding deng daddio
Dance, dance the night away until the ding dang day

Hi ho, what a show! Let us sing dang ding deng daddio
Dance, dance the night away until the ding dang day

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