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Help me

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Her blue eyes were filled with sadness,
as she stepped down from the train.
Barely dressed and sandaled only,
she didn't even know her name.

Thrown in with the world of fashion,
(world of fashion)
she would take a chance to win it all.
(win it all)
From the miseries of war, she's become a famous star
to get even with the past

Help me, help me, hear my s.o.s.
give me love and give me happiness,
memories will never fade away,
like the words she used to say.
Help me, help me, hear my s.o.s.
give me love and give me tenderness.
Even now the war is over, she recalls it every day.
(oooooooooooooh, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah)

In the darkness she was crying.
There's no trace of dad and mum,
scattered on the winds of heaven,
maybe even dead and gone.

Now she moves in higher circles,
(higher circles)
where she rules the upper-walks of life,
(walks of life)
in the limelight every day,
it's the price you have to pay,
but some words won't fade away....

Help me, help me, hear my s.o.s.
give me love and give me happiness,
memories will never fade away,
like the words she used to say.
Help me, help me, hear my s.o.s.
give me love and give me tenderness.
Even now the war is over, she recalls it every day.
(oooooooooooooh, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah)

Help me, help me, hear my s.o.s.
give me love and give me happiness,
memories will never fade away,
like the words she used to say.
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