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Good old Volendam

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

This is my harbour, where I feel free
Where once the fishermen sailed out to fight the sea
To feed their children, to raise them well
To make me what I am, I'm proud to tell

I will never leave you, my good old Volendam
The place where I belong
Only for you I sing this song
I will always love you
Until my dying day
I'm proud that I can say: "My Volendam"

Old seadogs gathering by the harbourside
To recall the early days, (the storms that they survived)
They were strong together, stronger than the sea
They built this paradise where I feel free

I will never leave you, my good old Volendam
The place where I belong
Only for you I sing this song
I will always love you
Until my dying day
I'm proud that I can say: "My Volendam"

I will never leave you, my good old Volendam
The place where I belong
Only for you I sing this song
I will always love you
Until my dying day
I'm proud that I can say: "My Volendam"
I'm proud that I can say: "My Volendam"
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