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Drowning in the rain


I still remember all those haunting dark shadows
I had lost faith in life
Then there was you
You took me out of the gutter, my friend
You cheered me up when I was down-hearted
You gave me back my dignity

I don't know what to do
My friend, now I've lost you

I'm drowning in the rain
That's pouring out my broken heart
I'm drowning in the rain
That's fallin' since we had to part

I have to face my destiny
My life is all in vain
A thousand tears I cry for you
I'm drowning in the rain

Now I recall all the hard days and sorrow
That we have been through
You taught me to smile
And save my tears for a rainy day
You took me out of the back-streets forever
You made me feel a beauty queen

I don't know what to do
My friend, now I've lost you

I'm drowning in the rain
(I'm drowning in the rain)
That's pouring out my broken heart
I'm drowning in the rain
(I'm drowning in the rain)
That's fallin' since we had to part

I have to face my destiny
(I have to face my destiny)
My life is all in vain
(My life is all in vain)
A thousand tears I cry for you
I'm drowning in the rain

I'm drowning in the rain
(I'm drowning in the rain)
That's pouring out my broken heart
I'm drowning in the rain
(I'm drowning in the rain)
That's fallin' since we had to part

I have to face my destiny
(I have to face my destiny)
My life is all in vain
(My life is all in vain)
A thousand tears I cry for you
I'm drowning in the rain

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