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The banjo man

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

I tried to be a famous guitar man
A star, a hero from Ohio to Japan
I dreamed of golden rooms
Champagne and caviar
My own Rolls Royce
Oh, it's wonderful being a star

But now I tramp the roads throughout the land
A needy hobo with a banjo in my hand
In honky-tonks and bars
I play this melody, oh it's so easy
So come on, sing this after me

Wee, oh wee, oh when my name is Dan
I'm the banjo man, I'm the banjo man
Playing when I can
Dee dee dee dee dum, you hear the drum
Of the banjo man
Oh, the banjo man is back in town again

I need to play my banjo to survive
To earn a living every day, to stay alive
In honky-tonks and bars
I play this melody, oh it's so easy
So come on, sing this after me

Wee, oh wee, oh when my name is Dan
I'm the banjo man, I'm the banjo man
Playing when I can
Dee dee dee dee dum, you hear the drum
Of the banjo man
Oh, the banjo man is back in town again

And let me thank the ones who pay
To those who like the way I play
And let me thank the ones who pay
To those who like the way I play

Wee, oh wee, oh when my name is Dan
I'm the banjo man, I'm the banjo man
Playing when I can
Dee dee dee dee dum, you hear the drum
Of the banjo man
Oh, the banjo man is back in town again
Oh, the banjo man is back
Oh, the banjo man is back in town again

Wee, oh wee, oh when my name is Dan
I'm the banjo man, I'm the banjo man
Playing when I can
Dee dee dee dee dum, you hear the drum
Of the banjo man
Oh, the banjo man is back in town again
Oh, the banjo man is back
Oh, the banjo man is back in town again
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